
Hearing set for Cooper Ave project in Glendale

At the January 24th meeting of the Transportation Services Committee and Public Transit Services Committee of Community Board 5, there will be a public session dedicated to Reviewing and Discussing the Current Cooper Avenue Underpass/Retaining Walls Project.
This $5.7 million project includes rehabilitation of the retaining walls that support the Long Island Railroad and vehicular bridges above Cooper Avenue, between 74 Street and 70 Street/69 Drive, in Glendale and a portion of Middle Village, explained CB5 district manager Gary Giordano.
The parapet walls that are on top of the retaining walls will be replaced, and the retaining walls themselves will be resurfaced. New, wider sidewalks will be installed along the length of the underpass, steel bar fencing will be installed on top of the parapet walls, and the project will also include new curbing and new catch basins.
Giordano said that, against the objections of CB5, the Department of Transportation (DOT) intends to change the direction of 74 Street, between 78 Avenue and Cooper Avenue, adjacent to I.S. 119 in Glendale.
Community residents and business owners are invited to attend this meeting to learn more about the project plans, ask questions of DOT representatives, and state any objections to the plans.
This meeting will be held in the Community Meeting Room on the 3rd Floor of the Shops At Atlas Park Mall, located at 80-00 Cooper Avenue in Glendale, at 7:30 p.m. For more information or to register to speak in advance, please call the CB5 office during regular business hours at (718) 366-1834.

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